R Kelly's ex wife Drea Kelly was a recent guest on Sister Circle and said she was going to kill her self and jump off her balcony infront of her kids. Drea said she was emotionally and physically abused by the R&B legend. She stated that she took a ebuse questionnaire and anwered yes to 15 out of 17 questions
There's a couple of questionnaires downloadable on the internet. Unsure which one was used by Drea, yet iam sure this one could give us an example.
Below is a questionare provided by The Emotionally Abused Woman: Overcoming Destructive Patterns and Reclaiming Yourself (1997).
Please share you never know who life you can save.
EMOTIONAL ABUSE QUESTIONNAIRE Answering the following questions will help you to determine whether or not you are in an emotionally abusive love relationship. A “yes” answer to even half of these questions indicates you are in an emotionally abusive love relationship. Do you feel like a child in the relationship, having to ask permission and apologizing for your behaviour? Do you feel powerless and “less than” your partner? Have you stopped seeing your friends and family? Does your partner criticize your friends and family members? Did he complain so much when you saw them in the past that you finally stopped seeing them altogether so you wouldn’t have to argue with him about it? Are you ashamed to see your friends or family because of your partner’s abusive behaviour, and because you’re embarrassed at having to put up with so much from him? Do you believe that you are to blame for your partner’s problems? Do you feel mostly responsible for the problems in the relationship? Does your partner try to take advantage of you sexually or make unreasonable sexual demands on you? Does your partner’s personality change when he drinks alcohol or takes drugs? Does your partner use “humour” to put you down or degrade you? Does your partner lack the ability to laugh at himself? Does your partner find it hard to apologize or to admit when he is wrong? Does your partner make excuses for his behaviour or blame others for his actions? Does your partner usually get his way in deciding when and where the two of you will go? Does your partner control or disapprove of your spending but seem to have no problem spending on him?