As data from the 2001 census were released this past March, demographers expressed surprise that the Hispanic population had already supplanted African-Americans as our nation's largest minority. The trends had pointed in that direction for the last decade, but the experts had predicted that Hispanics would not actually take the lead until around 2005. But the census revealed that in fact, it was in 2000 that the Hispanic population exceeded that of blacks. Why is the number of Hispanics growing so much faster than the number of blacks? The reasons are many and complex; beyond the obvious cause of immigration, we can only surmise about how such factors as family unity, economic opportunity, crime, addiction, and education affect individual decisions to bring children into the world. But one cause is clear: because black women have undergone a disproportionate number of abortions in the twenty-eight years since Roe v. Wade, millions of black children and young adults are not present to be counted in the census. The numbers are shocking. African-American women constitute 13.5% of the U.S. female population but they undergo 34% of all the abortions in this country. Their abortion rate (31 per 1,000 women) is approximately 2.6 times the rate for white women (12 per 1,000). The abortion industry reports very few statistics and strongly resists any effort at reporting more, so we must estimate further conclusions: African-American pro-life activists estimate that about 1,400 black babies have died in abortions, on average, each day since abortion was mandated a constitutional right. That makes 546,000 killed per year, or about 15 million people since Roe v. Wadehttp://www.theroadtoemmaus.org/RdLb/21PbAr/LifHlth/AfroAmComm.htm