Recently when talking to a co worker about Our Chronicles he asked me, what was it all about bout. I told him we cover black media and culture, check it out ! He said you sure ! I thought it was only for black people. I laughed and said it's great for people like you, we share lots of knowlege. After having that convo I really started to think about it, Do Domincans know there black ? To my surprise and some research, I've Came to find out that many don't. Crazy to me cause I no many that use greet me like, what's up my ni##a ! I guess they must been part of the 4% right ? Reports say For much of Dominican history, the national body has been defined as not-black even as black ancestry has been acknowledged. In place of blackness, officially identity discourses and displays have held that Dominicans are racially Indian and culturally Hispanic. News flash my lost brothers and sisters you are no different then your Hatian cousins next door. You are Africans ! You can try to disconnect and look silly doing yet, at the end of the day your blackness will always show its true colors. Follow Our Chronicles and learn to love the your Culture. Welcome Back to The Family !