Dr. Claud Anderson Speaks on Economic Empowerment of the African American Community! " Black People MUST Build a Network, and Do Business Together." Black People Must Learn and Begin to Use ' Group Economics' to balance out and modify the BlackCommunity! The Network Marketing Industry maybe the Perfect way to do so. It teaches how to build a business on a low budget, and how to grow as a team.The buy from your own and resale concept keeps money in the hands of a group. This concept is powerful ! The Jews are known to use these strategies. It is said there money bounces back 10 times in there communities. Not all MLM or Networking companies seem to fit this model. I will not share any companies, yet I will share the compensation plans that seem to work based on my experience. I futher suggest you to do your due diligence and find the opportunity that fits your ideal needs. A Matrix pass up system or one up pay system in my opinion works without thought or knowlege of product. To be honest the product could be DOG SHIT! Other words it doesn't have to be good or have any need. This system is more of a money funnel, yet legal cause of the product. It works monthly like a subscription for a product or service that renews monthly. There's hundreds of companies out there. I stress to you avoid the one's where you need thousands of sales to receive percentages, you will want a set commission for each sale. You are looking to become a recruiter, broker, not just a rep. To be realistic There's thousand of salesmen out there, yet the greatest ones are team builders. Your job is to brand yourself based on life style. People follow others that seem sucessful, friendly, accessible, mimicable and popular. Direct pay is important, account to account no waiting for the company to cut checks. You want to be able to make money when ever where ever. No crazy sales meetings and seminars, especially if its not free! Last but not least, your first commission should be about the same amount or more then what you payed for the opportunity itself. (Example $25 to join you break even with one sale $25 commissions simple mathematics.) Network Marketing has great value in the Black Community, if utilized correctly. It's not a get rich quick scam! There has to be hard work put into becoming successful. Like any other business you have to build it with your own efforts.